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Doctor made 15yr old girl send him nude pictures

Dr. Jonathan Bainbridge leaving Merthyr Crown Court on Friday
Father-of-two Dr. Jonathan Bainbridge, 39, drove 200 miles to meet the young lady for sex, trusting she was matured 16, Merthyr Crown Court was told. 

He conceded ownership of pictures of a youngster matured under 16. 

Bainbridge, from Cardiff, was saved correctional facility after the court was told his activities cost him his family. 

The advisor radiologist for Aneurin Bevan University Health Board had gone into discussions with the young lady on a web talk room, the court heard. 

'Disastrous conditions' 

Judge Eleri Rees QC said the kid was "particularly defenseless" and she was in nearby expert consideration. 

The police were cautioned after the young lady told care staff that she had gotten together with a man in March a year ago. 

The judge said that it was stunning that somebody held in high regard in the therapeutic calling and a develop man couldn't have indicated better judgment.

She included: "You, at 39 years old, began a sexualized discussion with her, she introduced herself as 16 and looked at that age. 

"You have expedited cataclysmic conditions yourself with the separation of your young family and you have additionally endangered your profession." 

The court heard Bainbridge had a dependence on web talk rooms and was looking for treatment. 

He confessed to ownership of a moving picture a still picture of a kid younger than 16. 

NSPCC Cymru said online systems should assume liability for kids' wellbeing on their stages "as an issue of criticalness". 

"This case features how informal communities have turned into a portal for abusers to do offenses against kids," a representative said. 

"As a specialist, Bainbridge would have been very much aware of the harm that his activities would have caused to his young unfortunate casualty. 

"It's occurring to offspring everything being equal and it's going on with exasperating recurrence." 

Bainbridge got a multi-month network to arrange and should do 250 hours of unpaid work.
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